Jag har en uppgift i engelska där man ska skriva en rapport på 220-260 ord på engelska. Uppgiften går ut på att beskriva två olika typer av reklam och sedan jämföra fördelar och nackdelar med dem. Man ska även beskriva hur effektiva de är och på vilket sätt man skulle kunna göra dem bättre.
Jag har skrivit min text nedanför men jag känner att den bara är konstig. Om någon skulle kunna ge tips på saker som jag kan ändra på så skulle jag vara så himla tacksam!
Report: Advertising
The purpose of this report is to examine the positive and negative aspects of two types of advertisement in Sweden, specifically online advertising and radio advertisement. It will also include an examination of the effectiveness of them and present recommendations on what could be improved.
Online advertising
Advertisements online provides websites with a reliable source of income which can make content available for users without the need to pay. “Banners” are easy to notice and can be programmed to target a specific audience which is a major advantage to companies.
As a result, visitors of these sites feel that their personal integrity is being put aside. This intrusive form of advertising can also be annoying for the user.
Radio advertisement
Undoubtedly as annoying are radio advertisements. Stations will air these commercials when most people are listening which interferes with either the program or music that was aired.
However, they are the main source of income for the stations and without them there would be hard for any independent radio station to exist. Furthermore, the radio advertisement is hard to get away from; you can’t just shut your ears or look away which makes them appealing to companies.
In a way of protecting privacy I would like to see companies stop tracking people’s presence online and instead present appealing offers for everyone. In addition, the quality of the advertising has often been unsatisfactory and by increasing the quality of them they could also increase the interest of them and later the interest of their product.
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