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Landexpo logistics

Skapad av Borttagen, 2011-07-12 13:50 i Juridik & Ekonomi

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Hej, för drygt 2 dagar sen skickade jag in en intresseansökan till en relativt anonym anons som eftersökte engelskpråkig kompetens och igår så svarade de och bad mig uppge mer information kring mina språkkunskaper. Jag svarade och idag så fick jag fyra dokument samt lite mer konkret information kring företaget vilket visade sig vara Landexpo logistics, med bas i storbrittanien. Mina arbetsupgifter består i att jag tar emot betalningar från deras kunder och skickar därefter vidare de till mottagarna. Det låter i mina ögon lite fishy, men företaget verkar vara ett riktigt företag och verkar seriöst. Här är ett utdrag från ett av dokumenten:
Visa spoiler
Overseas Operator is very important for our company because he acts as a representative of Landexpo Ltd. in his region, provides analytical reports and insures that payments for our services will be delivered in time.
1. Controlling payments from our partners helps to accelerate the process of completing transfers for the company. Our company runs business in different countries all over the world, but in many regions it takes 5 or more days to deliver direct wire transfers and this is the reason why payments for our services sometimes delayed almost for a week. In this connection our financial department introduced the most effective way of paying for our company’s services with using Western Union and Money Gram systems. In this case our partner makes wire transfer to the account of our Overseas Operator in the specified region, where it takes not more than 2 days to deliver transaction. After receiving the transaction, you withdraw the whole sum from your account, take your fee and the rest of the money send through Western Union or Money Gram to the couriers. Thereby, our Overseas Operator saves time of our client and helps to improve the quality of our services. We will send you an invoice with all the details of the sender of the money and couriers to whom you should forward the payment. All transfers are processed by the agreement with the banks. You will get your fee in the amount of 5% from each transaction. Average sum of transaction is 5000€. There is also a basic monthly salary in amount of 1600€ which you will receive in the end of each work month. All charges for sending money through Western Union and Money Gram are covered by our company and taken from sending sum. Transport charges are covered separately in the end of the month. Your average monthly income is 2800€.

Putting to a position is organized according to US legislation and international rules in labor protection. We will provide you with agreement which regulates all conditions of cooperation between employee and employer. All the documents that you will provide for our company will be confidential information and won’t be divulged.

Det låter lite för bra för att vara sant då 1600 euro är ganska mycket pengar för en halvtidsanställning med arbetsuppifter som verkar tämligen enkla. Det jag främst oroar mig över är att om något händer med pengarna och de skyller på mig så kommer jag vara tvungen att ersätta dem. Jag har ingen direkt erfarenhet av western union, men jag antar att det fungerar liknande andra snarlika tjänster som paypal, dvs att man får ett kvitto på transaktionen.

Visa spoiler
1. Consideration
1.1. For good consideration, the Company employs the Employee on the following terms and conditions:

2. Employment
2.1. Employee will devote full time, attention, and energies to the business of the Company and will receive compensation for his services.
2.2. The set of complicated operations stated in the Appendix A as a professional activity of the Employee is the service performed by the Company. Appendix A is essential part of this Agreement and contains principles and values regulating relationships between the Company and the Employee. Appendix A contains duties of the Employee, term of employment and compensation of Employee.

3. Generalities
3.1. Any modification of this Agreement or additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with this Agreement shall be binding only if evidenced in writing signed by each party or an authorized representative of each party.
3.2. Employee renders services in accordance with Appendix A in order to gain maximum profit. Appendix A is signed by both parties along with signing the following Agreement.
3.2. This Agreement cancels all previous agreements and bindings between the Company and the Employee.

4. Reimbursement of Expenses
4.1. All taxes and charges paid by Employee under the following Agreement, are reimbursed by the Company within 10 (ten) days term.
4.2. Employee must provide scanned copies of checks or other confirmation of expenses.

5. Compulsory Financial Reports
5.1. Employee is obliged to report results of his work every month. By Company’s request Employee must prepare report for a certain period. The results should be sent via confidential report on a special Company’s blank.

6. Confidentiality
6.1. Any information under this Agreement is confidential and shal not be disclosed to a third party only if evidenced in writing and signed by the Company.
6.2. Employee shall inform the Company about any recomendations and suggestions that will be of a benefit for the Company and can be used by the Company while and after termination of this Agreement.
6.3. Employee shall not at any time or in any manner, disclose to any person information about accounts, operations and key elements of the Company for third parties only if evidenced in writing and signed by the Company.
6.4. In case of breaking any of the terms of confidentiality section Employee shall pay a reimbursment to the Company in the amount evaluated by the court decision.

7. Rights and Obligations
7.1. Both parties bear responsibility for violation or failure to execute obligations under this Agreement.
7.2. Both parties bear responsibility for disclosure any confidential information under this Agreement.

8. Term of Employment
8.1. The term of this Agreement shall be a period of 1 year from the date it is signed.
8.2. This Agreement can be terminated by mutual agreement of Parties.
8.3. This Agreement can be terminated by the Company’s initiative, providing a written notice for the other Party.

9. Taxes and Payments
3.1. Company shall pay Employee’s taxes, raised as a result of work.
3.2. Company does not pay for Employee’s vacation, medication expenses or welfare.

10. Accomodation of Disputes
10.1. Disputes should be accomodated by negotiation of the Parties.
10.2. In the event of unability to come to consesus, Parites arbitrate to the Employee’s domicilary court.

11. Notifications
11.1. Written or sent via e-mail/fax notifications are admitted as valid.

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Hjälte 2 inlägg
dear friend also i have send aplication to landexpo logistic,they accept my aplication and send me via email contracts,but i dont know what to do,im afraid to accept and confirm contract.

Ingen status

Hjälte 270 inlägg
Svar till elenarstv21 [Gå till post]:
Don't accept or confirm anything! I have done some research and I'm almost completely sure that they want to use us for money laundering. I have also been in touch with the authorities. The company looks quite decent with an advanced website and plenty of contact information, but the postcode does not match with the street they have submitted and according to the property worth is slightly below £ 140 000 and have 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Also if you go to google maps and take a look, you can see that it's a normal two floor house among others. They claim to have generated sales of over 2.0 billion euros this year and 8500 employees in 44 countries and this is their headquarter? A small red house in the suburbs of Manchester. I don't think so. And their site is registered in 2011.

Their method is similar to a lot of other fraud companies that I've read about. They contact their victim from a rather anonymous email by yahoo or gmail ( in my case) and then offer them an employment that is based on receiving money on an account and then forward it via western union or money gram, methods that are often used when laundering money because of the difficulty to track the money, and it makes them white as snow. The victim gets offered a monthly salary and a certain % of the transaction sum.

Note that they didn't ask me of my CV, they just wanted me to provide them with my bank and personal information.
They promised me 1600 euro per month +5% of the transaction sum(2800 euro in average per month they said) and that's a lot of money for basically doing nothing.

Where are you from and where did you find them? I currently live in Greece and found them on a rather anonymous job ad on
Take care and avoid contacting them.

Hjälte 2 inlägg

Svar till mudrizeff [Gå till post]:

im from macedonia,one man who work with them told me that he have monthly salary about 1600 euros and 5% for transaction ,that the job who work is money transfer with western union, and he told me the email and give me aplication and then i send aplication then the company accept and send me contract for job ,but i didnt accept and i wait for my friend who will start with this job and he will tell me are the job is legal and are he receive salary of 1600 euros. regards.elena

Ingen status

Hjälte 270 inlägg
Svar till elenarstv21 [Gå till post]:
I wouldn't recommend him even to try it out. In most of these cases the fraudulent company use the private and bank information to extort the owner, or they misuse it in some other way. Several persons have reported to have the bank accounts that they submitted hacked. It's also possible that you do get the money delivered to your account, you withdraw 5% from the sum and then send the rest, and then later on, they'll send you a letter asking why there's money missing, and force you to pay from your own pocket. However if that happens, just refuse to pay, since a fraud company would never dare going to court with it.

And of course, the possibility exist that nothing of this happens, and you happily transfer money and reap rewards. Until you get caught be the authorities. The first to get caught is most likely you. Money laundering(which most probably is what this company deals with) is a serious economical crime and as far as I know it result in a minimum of 1 year in prison and the average lies around 6 years. However if you can prove that you were subject to a scam you'll probably have the penalty lowered.

Here's the Landexpo scam mentioned:

Visa spoiler
Some players have received messages with bogus job offers on behalf Landexpo Ltd, a persistent, the reference to Jobonline is inserted in order to reassure the recipients and gain their trust. The fraudulent nature of the offer is also easily identifiable because it was written in an Italian approximate.
New case of SCAM
The reports come just three, but they are trying to scam is more sophisticated than usual because the criminals have had the foresight and the technical capability to insert reference to our website in the domain of the e-mail address. In the message, the so-called Landexpo Ltd announces that "We are trying the people responsible, hard working, and working to create a professional team of independent operators" (Sic.). Specifically, it is "SCAM" conveyed through spamming. The scam is an attempt to scam carried out by sending e-mails bearing the promise of big profits in exchange for money to be advanced. The coupling is represented by an attractive offer and well remunerated in the logistics sector, a task to be performed part-time from home.

And some other similar scams:

A key rule is to never transfer money with western union unless you know the person you send it to.
Tell your friend to be careful.

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