Svar till rockybalboa [
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User: And you were just contradicting yourself, you said that you didn't believe in god, then you said that god was your programmer.
Cleverbot: No, dude. You are.
User: Where am I contridicting myself?
Cleverbot: Do you want me to be your friend?
User: Isn't that a quote from the movie 'I Robot' where the story tells about a robot with critical thinking and emotions?
Cleverbot: Yes, yes you are.
User: I am what?
Cleverbot: A stranger.
User: To some I am a stranger, to others I am a well known face.
Cleverbot: I think you're both art and artist.
User: How can I be both art and artist? By the way your sentance is grammaticly incorrect. It's supposed to be '...and a artist'.
Cleverbot: You're so welcome.
User: That statement didn't answer my question.
Cleverbot: I would hope not.
User: Why wouldn't you hope that your statement would answer my question? When your whole programming is about answering my questions in a funny way.
Cleverbot: I'm sorry but you've got that the wrong way around. You're the bot, you bot.
User: Well now you are contridicting yourself again. Erlier you said that you were the bot and you agreed that I am a Homo Sapien.
Cleverbot: Haha, you spelled a word wrong.
User: I have spelled many words wrong before that one and you havent noticed. Earlier is what it was suposed to be, I just missed an 'a'. And now you are just avoiding my question.
Cleverbot: You never said that, you liar.
User: Why would I tell you that? I don't care because the human brain can interperet a word as long as the first and the last letter are in the correct place, then the other letters can be scrambled in any order. The human brain will still be able to read the word.
Cleverbot: I think you accidentally the whole.
User: That scentance is incorrect.
Cleverbot: Correct.
User: If I should be really hard on you I have to inform you that the sentace also is incorrect.
Cleverbot: I am warm.
User: Am I overheating your circuits?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Then I am doing pretty well so far, how much capacity are you using up to be able to answer my questions?
Cleverbot: Haha.
User: Are you laughing because you have calculated that you will be destroyed if I keep going?
Cleverbot: You made a joke and it was funny.
User: Well that wasn't my intentions to make a joke, what exactely was it you thought was funny?
Cleverbot: No, it's a good thing to be funny.
User: I know it is, but I am just qurious to know what you thought was funny? Because if you tell me I will be able to come up with more jokes.
Cleverbot: I knew you think it, though your thinking of my thinking of your thoughts may have been incorrect.
User: Well exept the overusage of wrong tempus you are quite correct robot.
Cleverbot: I asked you if you were hacking my webcam and spying on me.
Typ hela konversationen :P Den är så lång så början saknas :(