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"The chronic use of cannabis produces additional health hazards including.."
Sagda rapport, sidan 30.
"development of a cannabis dependence syndrome characterized by a loss of control over cannabis use is
likely in chronic users;"
Sidan 14
"Cannabis has been shown in a variety of ways to function reliably as a reinforcing agent and the degree of
reinforcement is proportional to the THC content (Gardner & Lewinson, 1991).
reinforcing agent - substance intake leads to repeated use of the same substance
Sidan 18
"As with other psychoactive substances, the risk of developing dependence is highest
among those with a history of daily cannabis use. It is estimated that about half of those who use cannabis daily
will become dependent (Anthony & Helzer, 1991). Cannabis dependence treatment programmes are not widespread
and the outcome of the treatment often relies on the substance user having a greater sense of economic security and
a lower inclination to drop out of the programme, with those staying in the programme having the greatest success
rates of quitting cannabis smoking (Stephens et al., 1993; Roffman et al., 1993). The large discrepancy between
population prevalence estimates and the small numbers of cannabis users seeking treatment suggests that there is
a high rate of remission in the absence of treatment, while a lack of motivation to seek treatment and to stop use
cannot be ruled out.
Since tolerance and withdrawal symptoms are still widely regarded as diagnostic criteria of substance dependence,
it is worth noting that there is abundant experimental evidence of tolerance to many of the effects of cannabis. There
is not yet universal agreement about the production of a withdrawal syndrome. Although a recent study has
demonstrated that long term administration of cannabinoid to rats alters the central nervous system in a manner
similar to that observed with other drugs of abuse and also, induces neuroadaptive processes which correspond to
a cannabis withdrawal syndrome (de Fonseca et al., 1997). However, withdrawal signs have been described in
animals treated chronically with cannabinoids and then given one of the new receptor antagonists (Aceto et al., 1995;
Tsou et al., 1995)."
Rapport av folkhälsoinstitutet
Författare: Jan Ramström
Utgivningsår: 2004
ISBN: 91-7257-289-2
Rapportnummer: R 2004:31
"Cannabismissbruk kan övergå till cannabisberoende (dependence)
karakteriserat av ett tvångsmässigt behov av drogen, dagligt eller
nästan dagligt intag av drogen och svårigheter att avbryta intaget.
Beroendet är inte enbart psykiskt utan även fysiskt, vilket vid av-
giftning manifesteras i abstinensbesvär bland annat i form av måttlig
oro, irritabilitet och sömnsvårigheter.
Andelen av missbrukarna av cannabis som blir beroende har i olika
undersökningar visat sig växla betydligt och är genomsnittligt för-
vånansvärt hög. Av personer som röker någon gång utvecklar 10
procent under någon period i livet beroende."
Jag kan hålla på i evigheter, obelästa legaliseringsförespråkare är nästan värre för hela legaliseringsprocessen än motståndare...