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Ärligt talat. Helvetet finns inte... Folk har twistade sinnen... Orkar fan inte med logik när ni tror (tror , tror , tror , inte vet ... ) på något som aldrig har bevisats för er , hur kan man tro på något man aldrig upplevt eller sett.. Eller ens visats för en.
helevetet finns inte som det inte finns några öronceller som du påstått och visade sig att det inte stämde, liksom det inte stämmer att det inte finns någon helvetet. visst finns helvetet och befinner sig säkert i någon av parallela universum.
1. Mitt största bevis för att helvetet finns är koranen, och varför tror jag på koranen jo för att den aldrig har skritivt lögner, eller fel, elelr kontradiktioner , jag har sett tillräckliogt med bevis att koranen måste komma från Gud.
forskare pratar om parallella universum och säger att de kan befinna sig när oss och vi kan inte upptäcka de.
Att helvetet och paradisets finns är för att Gud ska fullborda den totala rättvisan på domedagen.
Muhammed har sett helvetet och paradiset, och han sade en gång, "om ni såg vad jag såg skulle ni skratta lite och gråta mycket".
Muhammed sade att elden i helvetet ändrar färg jo mer tid gick efter varje 1000 år ändras färgen av temperaturintesiteten i helvetet
de gick 1000 år innan elden blev röd
efter ytterliggare 1000 år blev elden vit
efter ytterliggare 1000 år blev elden svart
Nu kan du fråga dig en sak, Hur kan en man veta sånt utan att ha teleskop och datorer som vi har idag att kolla på stjärnor och på så sätt kunna veta att jo mer stark temperatur intesitet dessto går den mot vit och svart i färg skalan.
The radiation of the black body
scientists assure that the colour of light (radiation) that the burning or the burnt material radiates is connected with the temperature of this material . This is a fact that remained unknown for a long time in the past , experiments proved the validity of this relation ; scientists assure that the only factor the affects the colour of the light radiating from the heated body is its temperature . So, the scientists name this relation " Colour temperature degree "[1]
when the temperature is increased , colours move from the long metric wave to the short metric wave that is from red colour to the yellow colour then to the blue colour then to the violet then the ultraviolet coloulr and finally the black colour .
on heating any material , its colour starts with the red colour and when the temperature increases, the colour turns whiter and then moves towards the yellow colour . The white light – as we know – is composed of the seven colours of spectrum , so the dominating seen light , when heating ,is the white colour that is a mixture of the seven colours, that form the rainbow .
finally , when the temperature increases much more , colours turn dark or deep till they become black . Note that it is not physically possible to accurately mimic blackbody colours but scientists assure that the black colour is the end of the colours of the heat spectrum .[2]
After long years of study the scientists set important physics formulas , among these is the law of black body radiation . This laws states that " the light density is in proportion with wavelength and the temperature of the material . We can determine the colour of the spectrum light of the heated material depending only on its temperature. This means that there is a direct proportion between the temperature and the light colour .
scientists assure these facts so much that they teach them in universities; they say [3]"As you can see, if you heat a blackbody to 1900K, it glows orange. As the temperature increases, the color of the radiated light moves to yellow, then white, and finally to blue."
these words show how the light spectrum could be visible but as to very high temperature ,scientists agreed that it can't be seen because it is dark .
Scientists think that if we heat a certain body to an infinite temperature , the wavelength is zero !! that is there is no light at all , in other words there is black radiation and the resulting fire resulting from burning this body of the infinite temperature is dark black .
This is a theoretical speech as we can not give practical effect to it because we cannot raise the temperature of any body to an infinite degree , there are limits for heat , no material can bear it .
temperatures and the colours connected
The red colorimeter reaches 700 nanometers but the violet colorimeter reaches 400 nanometer.
A star of a temperature that amounts to 4000 k seems red
The stars of a temperature up to 10000 k seem white .
Stars of temperature more than 10000 k seem dark blue .[4]
So now we have shown the gradualness of colours: red – white – blue , what come after the blue ?

figure (3) from this graph , we can determine the temperature of any colour ; the red colour has a long wavelength ,so it is cold but the dark bluish colour has a short wavelength, so it is a hot colour , so we come to the conclusion that the black colour is the hottest of al colors l .
The red colour is the first to appear
When we heat any material , the first colour –resulting from heating – to appear is red , which is the coldest of all ,contrary to what we think !!!
The white Colour is the central colour or the Balance Colour
Scientists nowadays measure colour according the temperature connected with it ; the temperature of red colour is about 1800k , the yellowish white –similar to the mid day colour when the sun is shinning is 6000 k . The blue colour temperature amounts to 10000k. So we come to the conclusion that the red colour is colder than the blue colour and this a scientific fact which scientists have recently discovered by measurements ,numbers and experiments.[5] So we find those who are concerned with colours make the white colour a central colour and call it " white balance " [6]
The black colour is the last to appear
you must have heard about whatsoever called the black holes , it is a star that exploded and plunged down and compressed by the act of the high gravity and diminished leaving a hole that can not be seen –this is a body of unconceivable high temperature .
The black hole, not only represents the final stage of a star life but also represents the final stage of a star temperature , and consequently represents the final stage of the colour of a star .
So the black colour is the last of temperature colour , so the scientists call it the imaginary object , which they depend on in their experiments( concerning the black body), they haven't got this object yet but they think about it theoretically .
We have talked about three main colours , these are :the red , the white and the black . In fact there are a number of stages between these colours- a number of stages that the spectral light resulting from the rise in temperature moves from the red colour to the orange then to the white then to the blue then to violet and then goes beyond all the visible colours to the dark side ,i.e , that is invisible and ends at the black colour .
Now we come to our great prophet's words to see how he talked about fire , and now , after having finished our discourse about what man reached concerning fire , we lay this question : Is there a prophetic miracle concerning fire and its colours ? and did the prophet determine the colours as the scientists discovered in modern time ?
A prophetis Hadith ( A traditional saying of the prophet)
prophet Mohummed was sent in a time when the polytheists were worshipping "fire". They sanctified fire, it was established that fire was a god that they should worship and prostrate themselves to !How did prophet Mohummed deal with this question ? Did he correct the prevailing doctrines at that time or did he leave them in their ignorance ?
In his admonishing to people about God's punishment , prophet Mohummmed tackled the colours of fire , and he used a scientific miracle to assure any doubtful man that hell is inevitably coming , the prophet speech falls within this scientific miracles and this signifies that his word are true and that he was a true prophet .
Prophet Mohummed said " the hell fire was kindled for one thousand year till it become (red) , then it was kindled for another one thousand years till it becomes white , then it was kindled one more thousand years till it becomes black –so is dark black "[ narrated in the book of Turmzy]